Crew capsule apogee: 347,563 ft AGL / 351,210 ft
MSL (105 km AGL / 107 km MSL)
Booster apogee: 347,188 ft AGL / 350,835 ft
MSL (105 km AGL / 106 km MSL)
Elapsed mission time: 10:10
Max ascent velocity: 2,233 mph (3,595 km/h)
Jeff Bezos, his brother Mark Bezos, aerospace pioneer Wally Funk, and Dutch teenager Oliver Daemen.
For 10 minutes and 10 seconds on Tuesday, Jeff Bezos wasn’t the richest man on Earth.
The launch marks Blue Origin’s entrance into the market of private spaceflight, joining Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
After a half-century of waiting, Wally Funk age 82, trained for NASA's Mercury (#Mercury13) program but was denied flight due to gender, finally got her chance.
